Progressive Taxes: Needed to Offset Income Inequality?

BY MARK BLESSINGTON – True or false: Are America’s wealthy few growing their wealth at the expense of everyone else? The question is not whether the rich are getting richer. The question is whether they are gaining wealth at the expense of everyone else. The Congressional Budget Office provides a comprehensive report on wealth every three … Continue reading Progressive Taxes: Needed to Offset Income Inequality?

It’s Time For A Single-Payer Healthcare System

By PHILIP KOTLER – We have had “Obamacare” and now the Republicans have fallen short in replacing it with “Ryancare” (a.k.a. “Trumpcare”). Both plans have their unforgiving and deep critics and enemies. I think that it is time to adopt the healthcare system that Canada and most other nations have: a single-payer healthcare system. A single-payer … Continue reading It’s Time For A Single-Payer Healthcare System

Judicial Obstruction of Economic Reform

Philip Kotler calls for economic reform in Confronting Capitalism and envisions a kinder, gentler capitalism (to paraphrase President George H.W. Bush). Economic reform is not something the U.S. judicial branch takes kindly too. While Kotler’s book includes 14 shortcomings of capitalism, there is little mention of the judiciary. In my view a fifteenth shortcoming in needed. … Continue reading Judicial Obstruction of Economic Reform

If 90% Market Share Isn’t a Monopoly …

… then I don’t know what is. Monsanto’s U.S. market share is 90% in soybean and 80% in corn seed sales (Dan Mitchell, Fortune). In the same article, Larry Robbins of the Glenview Capital hedge fund goes further and says Monsanto has “perpetual local monopolies.” They tie farmers to contracts for life. The Monsanto case is a perfect illustration of at … Continue reading If 90% Market Share Isn’t a Monopoly …

The Great Corporate Tax Dodge

Confronting Capitalism by Philip Kotler is organized around 14 shortcomings. The list is broad and his thinking is brave and deep without being strident or bleak—a daunting challenge and a wonderful contribution given the controversial if not explosive nature of emotions at the intersection of money and politics. Kotler’s inaugural post for this site invites enhancements … Continue reading The Great Corporate Tax Dodge