In our book – REGENERATION: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World, we point out that in the US today, we see that our politicians can’t even stand up to the NRA, let alone address climate collapse. Instead, they distract us with culture wars and fake controversy – banning books, and literally canceling democracy via gerrymandering and voter suppression.
Shouldn’t our governments be promoting the Common Good? Isn’t that the definition of regenerative governance? Here’s a citizen’s checklist we compiled – does your government check the boxes?
If you were to grade your elected government officials against their support for the Common Good, you might get a better idea if they really care about you and your children’s children.
Christian Sarkar, Philip Kotler, and Enrico Foglia are the co-founders of The Regenerative Marketing Institute, and the joint authors of REGENERATION: The Future of Community in a Permacrisis World.