Needed: A New Set of Income Tax Brackets [A Response to the “$250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class” Op-Ed by Bryce Covert]

by Philip Kotler Hillary Clinton’s stated recently that she will not raise taxes on the middle class. She will raise taxes only on the rich and super rich. But at what income does the middle class end and the rich begin? Hillary defined the rich as starting with incomes over $250,000. Bryce Covert, in an … Continue reading Needed: A New Set of Income Tax Brackets [A Response to the “$250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class” Op-Ed by Bryce Covert]

Phil Kotler on the Relationship between Marketing and Capitalism

People often ask me: “You are known as a marketing guru. Yet you just published a book called Confronting Capitalism. How is it that a marketing expert is writing about Capitalism?” I usually give two answers. First, I am a Ph.D. economist and I have spent many years studying how markets and marketing works. Marketing … Continue reading Phil Kotler on the Relationship between Marketing and Capitalism

Our Partnership with Huffington Post – Join Us!

We’ve just begun a partnership with Huffington Post – and we invite you to join us.  It’s worth repeating why we’re doing this: Capitalism must evolve to serve the needs of all citizens, not just the very affluent. Our goal is to discuss the 14 Shortcomings of Capitalism and systematically analyze the problems and potential solutions. … Continue reading Our Partnership with Huffington Post – Join Us!


Welcome! As you’re aware, we live in a time where rational voices are increasingly questioning the shortcomings of capitalism. A group of us are starting a new online-community called and I wanted to personally invite you to participate. My name is Phil Kotler, and I’m a professor at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. The community brings together business … Continue reading Introduction