
2 thoughts on “Books”

  1. Let me share with all followers a book that is a clear contribution to bring transparency and sustainability to the system:

    “The Sustainable Organisation – a paradigm for a fairer society” offers a new model to characterize a sustainable organisation and a new algorithm that will allow a simple and transparent evaluation of any type organisation, regardless of size, purpose, or location.

    For more details

  2. Here are some more books and sources of information on income inequality, particularly in relation to the UK:
    The Resolution Foundation have useful graphs on income inequality to show trends and calculate your own position on the income scale at, as does the Institute for Fiscal Studies at
    1. the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks 2013 report saw inequality as one of the three most likely threats to the world.
    2. An IMF working paper on Income Inequality and Current Account Imbalances argues that the entire deterioration of the British current account deficit between the early 1970s and 2007 could be explained by the rise in British inequality.
    3. The economic case for greater income equality is also supported by an IMF Report Inequality, Leverage and Crises which shows how economic crises arise from widening income distribution.
    4. The Spirit Level: why more equal societies almost always do better (2009) by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett presents compelling evidence that more equal societies are better for all. This evidence has been cited approvingly by all three party political leaders. See Richard Wilkinson on TED talks at and more evidence at
    5. Stewart Lansley The Cost of Inequality, Gibson Square, 2011
    6. Will Hutton Them & Us, Little Brown, 2010
    7. OECD report Divided We Stand: Why Inequality Keeps Rising
    8. Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks The Trouble with Billionaires: How the Super-Rich Hijacked the World (and How We can Take it Back), One World, 2013
    9. David Rothkopf, Supercalss: The Global Power Elite and the World they are Making, Little, Brown, NY 2008
    10. The case for closing the gap between top and bottom incomes is also supported by extensive evidence in the Marmot Review on health,
    11. Hills Report Anatomy of Economic Inequality,
    12. Daniel Dorling’s Injustice: why social inequality persists,
    13. Ferdinand Mount’s The New Few: Or a Very British Oligarchy (2012) and Mind the Gap (2004),
    14. Prince’s Trust/LSE study The Costs of Exclusion, 2007
    15. Oliver James’s best sellers, Affluenza and The Selfish Capitalist: Origins of Affluenza (2008)

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